Сайт учителя начальных классов
Гродековская средняя школа

Государственное учреждение
«Отдела образование физической культуры и спорта
акиматаЖамбылского района »

Авторская программа

Английский язык
в 10-11 классах.

Автор: учитель английского языка Абдузова Р.Б.

село Гродеково 2011 год

пер Выездная № 15
Телефон 31-341
Сведения о себе  Год и место рождения: 15.07.1967г
 Национальность: дунганка
 Семейное положение: замужем
 Дети: 3
Цель Научить говорить, понимать и любить английский язык
Образование 1984-1989 ДПИ (Джамбулский педагогический институт)

Награды Благодарность от Interlink, IIIместо на районной олимпиаде учителей, благодарственное письмо от районо
Интересы и увлечения Чтение художественной литературы
Знание языков Русский, английский, дунганский, казахский
Опыт работы Учитель английского языка
1989 г-сш им. Чернышевского
1990г – сш им М.Маметова
1990 г – сш им Гродеково
Общественная работа Impactсертификаты по повышению квалификации курсов Accels, InterlinkResources, Inc.
Квалификация Учитель английского и немецкого языков Iкатегория

на авторскую программу учителя Абдузовой Р.Б.
Гродековской средней школы Жамбылской области, Жамбылского района
на тему «Thearticle» для учащихся 10-х и 11-х классов .

В этой авторской программе четко показаны, раскрыты формы, методы работы по данной теме в доступной учащимся форме. Тематические задания оказывают влияние на развитие критического мышления, расширенного кругозора учащихся. Задания, представленные в этой программе, предназначены для подготовки к ЕНТ. Наряду с этим в этой программе даны задания по теме «TheArticle». Автор в своей работе раскрывает важные методические проблемы, связанные с проблемами в обучении. Каждая тема пособия раскрыта по возможности углубленно и в доступной учащимся форме. В дополнении к упрощениям дается дидактический материал, приводятся образцы уроков и упражнения разных типов. В программу включены краткие сведения, практические задания рассчитанные на выработку у учащихся твердых навыков правильного произношения и грамотного письма, а также для самостоятельной работы учащихся при подготовке к ЕНТ, для повышения качества знаний.

на авторскую программу учителя Абдузовой Р.Б.
Гродековской средней школы Жамбылской области, Жамбылского района
на тему «Thearticle» для учащихся 10-х и 11-х классов .
Знание английского языка в школьном образовании определяется ролью развития в общества и формирования личности каждого человека. Данная программа рассматривается как системное продолжение учебников по английскому языку изучаемых в средней школе. Она полностью соответствует учебной программе и стандарту образования в средней школе.
Структура учебников опирается на общую методическую систему, основой которой является уровневый метод обучения.
Ученики любого класса имеют право расширять и углублять знания по английскому языку не зависимо от учебной программы.
Уровень предлагаемых тем дает возможность учащихся углубить знания умения и навыки по английскому языку.
Учителя должны выбирать такие упражнения по теме, которые способствовали бы формированию у учащихся прочных знаний и навыков.

Руководитель М/О английского языка Сейдалиева Л.Н

Пояснительная записка

Основная цель данной факультативной программы в 10-11 классах формирование языковой лингвистической, этнокультуроведческой и коммуникативной компетенции.
Задачи факультативной программы следующие:
• Реализация мировоззренческого познавательного и воспитательного потенциала учебной дисциплины;
• Обобщение системных и функционально-классификационных знаний учащихся об артикле;
• Усиление коммуникативной направленности курса;
• Совершенствование грамматических навыков старшеклассников по теме «Артикль»;
• Воспитание языковой культуры посредством использования языковых ресурсов.
Программа данного курса в 10-11 классах ориентирует на формирование комплексов коммуникативно-речевых умений и навыков.
Речеведческий материал отбирается на формирование устной и письменной речи, требующие работы по расширению словарного запаса учащихся и работы по овладению нормами речевого поведения в определенных коммуникативных ситуациях.
Каждая тема включает следующие моменты:
1. Сведения теоретического и практического характера;
2. Сведения из стилистики, культуры речи изучаемого языка;
3. Наблюдения над языком художественной литературы, связанные с изучением артикля английского языка.
Факультативный курс систематизирует сведения об артикле английского языка, культуроведческий материал, факты лингвострановедческого характера.

Teaching functions of language based lesson plan.

1. To introduce with all aspects of usage of the Articles.
2. To teach students to use articles in sentences.
3. To learn “Collocations”.
4. Not only to use but to explain the grammar rules.
5. Provide a written stage.
6. Provide controller oral practice of language structure.
7. Personalization/meaningful practice/fluency/
8. Provide opportunity for further controller practice.
9. Provide interest.

Практическая цель:
• научить учащихся общению на английскомязыке;
• уметь выразить свои мысли в расширенном виде;
• уметь употреблять «Article» в разных грамматических ситуациях.
Образовательная цель:
• развивать критическое и логическое мышление, память, воображение;
• расширять кругозор и повышать общую культуру учащихся;
• практиковать применение и употребление «Article» в грамматических ситуациях в контексте и использование «Article» в письменных упражнениях.

Воспитательная цель:
• осуществлять идейно – политическое воспитание;
• развивать познавательную активность учащихся.
Развивающая цель:
• развивать интеллектуальную, эмоциональную и мотивационную сферы личности учащегося.

Требования к учащимся

1. Закрепить навыки употребления артикля.
2. Научить использовать артикли в предложениях.
3. Уметь выразить мысли.
4. Уметь ставить вопросы и отвечать на них.
5. Уметь переводить с русского языка на английский и наоборот.
6. Читать и понимать без помощи словаря тексты, построенные на пройденном грамматическом материале.
По чтению:
• Умение читать, понимать общее содержание текстов разных функциональных стилей и жанров;
• Умение выделить ключевые слова и сочетания, необходимые для выражения собственных мыслей;
По аудированию:
• Умение понимать информацию предъявляемую на слух в нормальном темпе;
• Умение понимать информацию, предъявляемую учителем и одноклассниками;
По грамматическим навыкам говорения:
• Навыки выбора лексической единицы адекватно замыслу.
• Навыки правильного сочетания лексической единицы с другими.

Ожидаемый результат

1. Понимать объяснения учителя.
2. Понимать рассказы учителя и читаемый им текст.
3. Понимать и употреблять артикли в предложениях и устную речь.
4. Ставить вопросы и кратко отвечать на них.
5. Понимать и объяснять грамматические правила.
6. Уметь выразить мысли в письменном виде.

1. Making students think quickly and form short responses.
2. To understand the teachers reading the text.
3. To understand and to use the articles in the sentences and oral speech habits.
4. To realize and to explain grammar rules.
5. To make students recall and reflect on what they know about the articles.
6. To prepare and to pass examination on English.

1. Article.
2. Indefinite articlea/an.
3. Definite article the.
4. Articles with the name of meals.
5. Articles with countable and uncountable nouns.
6. Articles with the names of seasons.
7. Collocations: There is a…? Where is the…?
8. Articles before the names of the months and days of the week.
9. Articles with the word combinations.
10. Articles and the geographical names.
11. Articles and the geographical names and parts of the world.
12. Article and the name of the University. Ordinal adjectives and superlative degree of adjectives.
13. Collocations: “What is the use?” “to play chess” “to play the piano”.
14. Collocation: “What…!” sentences.
Countable in the singular and in the plural.
15. Collocation: “What…!” sentences. Uncountable in the plurals.
16. Articles with the nouns: school, church, work, bed…
17. Articles before school subjects and languages.

Lesson plans language based. Total 34 hours.

№ Theme Hours Date
1. Article. 2
2. Indefinite articlea/an. 2
3. Definite article the. 2
4. Articles with the name of meals. 2
5. Articles with countable and uncountable nouns. 2
6. Articles with the names of seasons. 2
7. Collocations: There is a…? Where is the…? 2
8. Articles before the names of the months and days of the week. 2
9. Articles with the word combinations. 2
10. Articles and the geographical names. 2
11. Articles and the geographical names and parts of the world. 2
12. Article and the name of the University. Ordinal adjectives and superlative degree of adjectives. 2
13. Collocations: “What is the use?” “to play chess” “to play the piano”. 2
14. Collocation: “What…!” sentences. Countable in the singular and in the plural. 2
15. Collocation: “What…!” sentences. Uncountable in the plurals. 2
16. Articles with the nouns: school, church, work, bed… 2
17. Articles before school subjects and languages. 2

1. IMPACT Teacher Training Pгogrambу Heather J. Lewis.
2. English Grammar bу Raymond Muгphy.
3. English for 10thfoгm bуТ. Ауароуа.
4. Headway bу Liz and John Soars.
5. Speed up bу Marilynn Quigley.
6. English intwo yearsbуТ. Rogova.
7. Дайте как можно больше ученику, М.ПЕРЕС.
8. Дружите с английским языком, ТургеманШ,
9. Snowball English bуDenisova L. G.
10. English bу I.N. Vereshchagina, Т. Pritykina.
11. English bуА.Р. Starkov.
12. English bуО. Afanasyeva, 1. Mikheeva.
13. The Intermediate Modeгn English Couгse bуShevtsova S. V.
14. Get Оn In English bуZarubina Z. V.
15. Английский язык в таблицах Минаев Ю. В.
16. Иностранные языки в школе 1985,1991,2000, 2001, 2003.
17. EnglishbуЕ. I. Neglevitskaya.
18. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Harmer,Jeremy 2001.
19. Аcouгse in Language Teaching. Ur.Penny Cambridge University
20. English Teaching FORUM. 1993, 1997, 2003.
21. English Grammar bу Bonk.

22. Грамматика английского языка. Ю. Голицинский.


Государственное учреждение
«Отдела образование физической культуры и спорта
акиматаЖамбылского района »

Авторская программа

Английский язык
в 10-11 классах.
(Рабочая тетрадь для учащихся)

Автор: учитель английского языка Абдузова Р.Б.

селоГродеково 2011 год

Theme: Articles (Приложение 1)
I. Practice: Controlled practice: Complete the sentences using indefinite article a/an

This is __ bag.
Is this __ pen?
That is __ apple on the table.
Is that __ apple on the table?
There is __ cat in the park .
Is there __ cat in the park?

II. Freer practice.
Match the articles with words:
a/an apricot

III. Further controlled practice
Finish the sentences using the following words:
I have got _ (тетя).
She is __ (учитель) .
She has got __ (муж, дочь, двасына).
Theylivein ___ (село).
Theyhavegot ___ (кошка, собака и домашние животные).
I love my (тетя).

IV. Production.
Pair work
Ask and answer the questions using school vocabulary:
Example: Have you got a pen?
Yes, I have got a pen
Can you give me an English book?
No, I can’t. I haven’t got an English book.

V. Wrap up:
Make up a story using a/an.

Theme: Indefinite article (Приложение 2)
I. Practice. Controlled practice
Make the sentences complete using: a large family, an old woman, a small house, an easy work, a real clever person.
Jane has got __ .
My aunt lives in __.
My aunt is __.
I have got __ to do.
My friends is __ I think.

II. Freer Practice
Make up sentences using these words:
sea funny
tea rough
a dog beautiful
a kitten strong
a mouse disgusting
a girl hardworking
an engineer pretty
an ice- cream delicious

III. Further controlled practice.
Use or do not use the articles a/anwith the words underlined:
1. I shall buy _______bag to my sister.
2. He met _____ young womanwith ____girl.
3. With _____ eyes we can see this beautiful picture.
4. What is your idea of _____ good rest?
5. It was _____ enjoyable holiday.
6. My friends has flown in __ plane.
7. ____ stationare___ stopping place for trains.
8. I shall be back in __ hour.

IV. Production.
1. Describe your classroom using indefinite articles.
2. Write sentences with these word-combinations an comfortable chair an unknown land,аn independent country, an unbuilt house, an unpopulated territory.

V. Wrap up:
Draw your room and write the objects using articles.

Theme: Definite article the. (Приложение3)
I. Practice. Controlled practice. Complete the sentences using articles.
1. Can I take ____ (книгу)?
2. What did _____ (врач) say?
3. Put _____ (мясо) into ___ (холодильник).
4. Webuy _____(билет) on ____ (автобус)____(трамвай), at __(кинотеатр)
5. When we came to _____ (вокзал) they were waiting for _____ (поезд).
6. I think we can spend a day in ___ (город) .
7. Which is the biggest ____ (автовокзал), ____(театр)___ or___(здание) near ___ (театр).
8. My sister is travelling in ___(горы) now.
9. (Мальчики)_____ coming to _____ (каток) will play hockey.
10.______(стараяженщина) isin ______(базар) selling fruit.

II. Freer Practice.
Insert articles where necessary.
_______circus was visiting ______ little town. There were _____ dogs on _____ programme. After ____ dogs had shown a number of ____ tricks, _____ man said that one of _____ dogs could play ____ piano. ___ dog sat on _____ chair and began to play wonderfully. Then one of ______ spectators shouted, “Cats”.______ dog jumped off _____ chair and ran to ____ place from which ___ shout had come.________ piano went on playing.

III. Further controlled practice.
Open the brackets and complete the sentences.
1. If the patient doesn’t get better, he’ll have to go to (-/the) hospital.
2. What’s on (-/the) television tonight?
3. Would you like to go to (-/the) university with me to listen to Mr. Smith’s lecture?
4. I’ve just heard on (-/the) radio that our cosmonauts in (-/the) space.
5. My father started learning English when he was at (-/the) school.
6. The king’s orders were to take the youngman to (-/the) prison.
7. Father was every angry when he saw our cat sleeping on (-/the) bed.
8. (-/the) space between the wall and the table is not enough for this big granny clock.
9. Dr. John works in (-/the) hospital where I spend three weeks last year.

IV. Production.
In a group of four make up a dialogue using definite articles.

V. Wrap up:
Imagine that you are a foreigner tell a story using articles.

Theme: Articles with the names of meals (Приложение4)
I. Practice. Controlled practice.
Insert articles where necessary
1. What do you do after breakfast? – After _ breakfast I go to school.
2. My granny like to read __ book after __ lunch.
3. __ people usually have __ breakfast in __ morning.
4. __ lunch she had cooked was every tasty.
5. There is a proverb: “After dinner sleep awhile, after supper walk __ mile”.
6. Who cooks __ in your family?
7. What did you have for __ lunch at school on Wednesday?
8. For __ breakfast I have coffee with milk.
9. In __ evening people have supper.
10. __ brunch is a meal taken in __ middle of the morning.

II. Freer Practice.
In some of these sentences articles are missing. Put in the articles to make sentences grammatically correct.
1) At what time do you usually have breakfast?
2) I advise you to have __ light supper, that’ll help you to lose weight.
3) __ dinner they gave us yesterday was every good.
4) __ supper in __ fridge warm it up.
5) Wash your hands, __ dinner is ready.
6) What do you want me to cook for dinner?
7) __ lunch consisted of two hot-dogs and __cup of coffee.
8) What __ huge breakfast!
9) Wash your hands, __ dinner is ready.
10) I always have __ lunch at school.

III. Further controlled practice. Group work.
“School canteen”

IV. Production: Pair work: Make up a dialogue “In the café”

V. Wrap up: to writea topic:
“Meals in our family”.

Theme: Articles with countable and uncountable nouns.(Приложение 12)
I. Practice. Controlled practice.
Complete the sentences using a/an/the.
1. This is __ tree. __ tree is tall.
2. My __ sister has got__ cat and __ dog. __ dog never bites __ cat.
3. Yesterday we read __ book. __ book was exciting.
4. She didn’t get __ letter from my friend. __ letter was lost.
5. Last year I presented my __ mother __ ring. She liked __ ring.
6. This pencil is broken. Give me that __ pencil.
7. This is __ town. __ town is ancient.
8. Jane bought __ dress. __ dress is beautiful.

II. Freer practice.
Insert articles where necessary.
1) This is __ pen. __ pen is black.
2) These are __ chalks. __ chalks are white.
3) This is __ soup. __ soup is tasty.
4) He gave me __ coffee and __ cake __ coffee was hot. __ cake was tasty.
5) In the afternoon I eat __ sandwich and drink __ juice.
6) Tom never eats __ meat, he always eats __ fruit, __ vegetables __ seeds, __ cereals, and __ nuts.
7) My brother is upset. He has got __ flu.
8) Mary is doing __ test. __ test is difficult.

III. Further controlled practice.
Read and think why a/an or the.

In space there is a galaxy.
In the galaxy there is a sun.
Near the sun there is a planet.
On the planet there is an ocean.
Near the ocean there is a continent.
On the continent there is a country.

In the country there is a city.
In the city there is a park.
In the park there is a house.
In the house there is a bedroom.
In the bedroom there is a bed.
And in the bed there is … me.

a/an – new information
the – old information

IV. Production.
Make up a dialogue using modal verbs:
Can…? May I …? Can I take….?
You may take the book.

V. Wrap up:
Try to make up a poem.

Theme: Articles with the names of seasons.(Приложение 5)
Spring, summer, autumn, winter.
I. Practice. Controlled practice.
Make up sentences and complete using the words: In autumn, in the summer, hot autumn, cold winter, early spring, real winter, winter, warm spring, fine season.

II. Freer practice.
Complete the sentences using articles where necessary.
1) Spring came early that year.
2) I love it when it is frosty and snowy winter.
3) We get a lot of apples from this tree.
4) The best time to visit this country is when it is broad summer.
5) It was terrible winter.
6) It was most beautiful early autumn I had ever seen.
7) She is going to spend spring in the countryside .
8) There are four season in the year: winter, spring, summer and autumn.
III. Further controlled practice.
Express the same in English.
1) Былоочень приятно жить летом за городом (в деревне). Погода была прекрасная. Лето – хорошее время года.
2) Когда наступает весна, солнце светит ярче, но снег тает и дни становятся длиннее.
3) Осень самое чудное время года, ночи звездные, а дни жаркие.
4) Зима очень хорошее время для спорта. Дети катаются на коньках, на лыжах и играют в снежки.

IV. Production.
Make up a dialogue on there: “My favorite season”.

V. Wrap up.
“Which season is the best”. Draw a picture.

There: Collocation: There is a … . Where is the … ? (Приложение 1)
I. Practice. Controlled practice.
Complete the sentences using a/an/the.
1) There is __ big sofa in __ sitting room and __ little lamp on __ wall over the sofa.
2) There is __ old tree in __ garden. On the tree there are __ many fruits.
3) There is __ school over there. __ hotel isn’t big.
4) Is there __ book in the bag? Yes, there is __ book.
5) There was __ knock at __ door.
6) Where is __ bank.
7) Where is __ boy. __ boy is on __ sofa.
8) Where are __ flowers? __ flowers are in __ beautiful vase.
9) Where is __ John? He has gone to __ theatre to listen to __ opera.
10) Where were your __ friends? They were at __ disco.

II. Freer practice.
Finish the sentences.
Where is ___________________________?
Where are __________________________?
There is ____________________________.
There are ___________________________.
Was there __________________________?
Were there _________________________?
Where was _______________________ ?
Where were _______________________?

III. Further controlled practice.
Imagine that you are going to travel and you don’t know where are your necessary things. Ask your mother to help you.
Example: where is my big suitcase?
Where is my black shirt?
There is a wallet on the bookcase.

IV. Production.
Make up a dialogue using: Where is/are.
There is/are.

V. Wrap up:
Make up sentences.

There: Articles before the names of the months and days of the week.(Приложение 6)

I. Practice. Controlled practice.
1) Match the words:
January июль
February август
October сентябрь
August май
May январь
December июль
September март
July февраль
March апрель
April октябрь
June ноябрь
November июнь
2) Complete the sentences.
Example: Monday is the first day of the week.
Saturday ______________.
Tuesday ______________.
Friday ____________.
Thursday __________.
Wednesday _________.
Sunday ____________.

II. Freer practice
Insert the article where necessary.
1. There are four rooms and ___ kitchen in our new house.
2. My new skirt is made of __ silk.
3. If you want to write something on __ blackboard, you should have __ piece of __chalk.
4.__May is __fifth month of the year.
5. __Sunday is __ day off.
6. There is garden in front of our school.__ garden is large, but it is very nice.
7. I have __ new English book. __ book is very useful.
8. Are there any pupils in __ classroom.

III. Further controlled practice.
a) Complete the sentences.
Winter months are: ______________.
Summer months are: _____________.
Autumn months are: ______________.
Spring months are: _______________.
b) Fill in the rhyme:
30 days have __S ___, A ___, J __ and N ___.
All __ rest have 31.
Excepting F ___ alone which has 28 days clear. And 29 in each __ leap year.

IV. Production
Pair work.
Ask your friends about months. Example: 1. What do people usually do in January. 2. Which month is the best to have a rest?

V. Wrap up:
To write topic “ My daily life ”.

Theme: Articles with the word combinations.(Приложение 7)
I. Practice. Controlled practice.

1. тихо, тихим голосом
2. солгать
3. громким голосом
4. шепотом
5. какое-то время, недолго
6. хорошо провести время
7. пойти погулять
8. в спешке
9. быть в растерянности
to go for a walk
to have a good time
to be at a loss
in a hurry
to tell a lie
in a whisper
in a loud voice
for a while
in a low voice

I. Freer practice.
Ask your friend when he/she last: a) spoke in a whisper, spoke in a low/loud voice; b) went for a walk; c) had a swim; d)told a lie; e)had a good time; f) was in a hurry; g) felt unhappy for a while.
III. Further controlled practice.
1) Use articles where necessary.
2) Usually she speaks in __ whisper.
3) In __ summer they go to __ river to have __ swim.
4) In __ supermarket we saw __ lot of different fruits.
5) “Don’t tell __ lie” said __ boy.
6) After __ lecture __ students have __ break.
7) It was very hot in __ room and they decided to have __ smoke in the yard.
8) “Have __ rest” – said __ farmer to __ peasants.
9) Don’t take their __ jewelry.

IV. Production.
Make up a dialogue in groups of four using: a few, a little, a lot of, a great deal (of), a great numbers (of).

V. Wrap up:
Make up sentences.

Theme: Articles and the geographical names.(Приложение 8)
I. Practice. Controlled practice.
Put the word into correct order.
1) situated /Kazakhstan/ in /Central Asia/ is /the/
2) of /Astana/ is /capital/ Kazakhstan/ the
3) into/ parts/ divided/ Thames/ London/ the/ two
4) sea/ an/ Kapchagai sea/ is/ the /artificial
5) Are/ there/ in/ stated/ the/ fifty/ USA
6) higher/ Altai Mountains/ than/ the/ are/ Urals
7) Is/ Nursultan/ President/ the/ of/ Nazarbaev/ Kazakh
8) A/ place/ London/ in/ is/ to/ Trafalgar/ usual/ see/ Square

II. Freer practice.
Insert the articles
1) __ Thames is __ short river.
2) __ Russia is washed by __ Arctic Ocean in __ north.
3) __ North Sea separates __ British Isles from __ Europe.
4) Which are __ highest mountains in __ Kazakhstan.
5) It is warm in __ Crimea and __ Caucasus.
6) I want to go to __ Parissome day.
7) There are four __ oceans and six __ continents in __ world.
8) Last summer we spend on __ lakeBaikal.

III. Further controlled practice.
a) Complete the table using articles

Mountain ranges:
in Antarctic

b) Make up sentences using:
I would like to visit __ because:
IV. Production.
Correct the sentences where necessary
1) We visited Canada and United States __ wrong The United states.
2) Africa is much larger than Europe __ correct.
3) In Spain we swam in Mediterranean.
4) Toby has visited some countries in the western Europe.
5) Next mouth we are going to ski in Swiss Alps.
6) Nile is longest river in Africa.
7) UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
8) HidePark is the most beautiful in London

V. Wrap up:
“My dream vacation”

Theme: Articles the geographical names and parts of the world. (Приложение 8)
I. Practice. Controlled practice.
a) Give a full name of the following: SE, S, SW, NW, NE, N, W, E.
Example: SE stands for the south-east.
b) Look at the map of KZ and say where these cities are situated.
Example: Semey is in the north-east of Kazakhstan.

II. Freer practice.
Use article where necessary.
1)___ Shetland Islands are situated to __ north of __Great Britain.
2) ___BlackSea is in __ south of __ Russia.
3) __ Philippines are situated to __ south-east of __ Asia.
4) My aunt likes to go to __ Abai theatre every week.
5) __ museum of fine arts was founded in 1803.
6) __ National Gallery in __Britain is one of __ oldest gallery.

III. Further controlled practice.
Use the definite article with geographical names where necessary.

1. __ Kazakhstan
2. __ Great Britain
3. __ Red Square
4. __ London
5. __ Like Ontario
6. __ Europe
7. __ Urals
8. __ Atlantic Ocean
9. __ France
10. __ Royal Hotel

11. __ Aral Sea
12. __ Space Cinema
13. __ Abai theatre
14. __ Hyde Park

15. __ Tretyakov Gallery
16. __ HistoryMuseum
17. __ Opera House
18. __ Old Square
IV. Production.
a) Make up a story using: in the: north, south, east, west.
To the: north, south, east, west. And the words from the table a have.
b) Complete the information about your country.
The biggest lake:
The highest mountain:
The longest river:
The biggest city:
The oldest city:

V. Wrap up:
Create the story.

Theme: Article and the names of the universities. Ordinal adjectives and superlative degree of adjectives.(Приложение 3)

I. Practice. Controlled practice.
1) March the numbers

a) первый
b) двадцать третий
c) тридцать второй
d) четвертый
the fourth
the first
the twenty third
the thirty second

2) Translate the sentences
a) Февраль самый короткий месяц.
b) Россия самая большая страна.
c) Самая высокая гора в Азии Тянь-Шань.
d) Первое сентября День знаний.

II. Freer practice.
Aizhan lives in __ Almaty. She is __ student. She studies __ history at __ Almaty University.
__ University is __ biggest one. On __ first floor there is __ big library.
On __ second floor there are many big lecture halls.
Here you may meet __ best lecturers. If you want to get higher education, Welcome to our __ Almaty University.

III. Further controlled practice.
Complete the sentences using the superlative adjectives.
1. Winter is __ season of the year. (холодный)
2. July and August are __ months of the year. (жаркий)
3. February is __ month of the year. (короткий)
4. __ Oxford University is __ one. (старый)
5. __ University of N. Nazarbaev is __ of Kazakhstan. (молодой)
6. __ second month of winter is __ month. (холодный)
7. __ twenty second of June is __ day of the year.(длинный)

V. Production.Pair work.
1. Answer the questions about your classmates?
2. Who is the cleverest pupil?
3. Who is the tallest?
4. Who is the shortest?
5. Which is the first lesson on Monday?
6. Which is the second lesson on Friday?
7. Who is the best in Math’s?

VI. Wrap up.
Make up a story “My school life”.

Theme: collocations “What’s the use”, “to play chess”, “to play the piano” (Приложение12)
I. Practice. Controlled practice.
a) Write the names of several musical instruments and sport games.

a piano
a guitar
a drum
a flute
a saxophone
an accordion

b) Make up sentences.
I would like to play __, because …
I wouldn’t like to play __, because …

II. Freer practice.
Put the articles where necessary.
1. Do you play __ piano?
2. What __ games does your friend like to play? She likes to play __ tennis.
3. What __ colour in your Volin.
4. __ boys like to play __ football.
5. __ girls like to play __ hopscotch.
6. __ Leapfrog is not so interesting as __ basketball.
7. Mr. Smith often plays __ chess.
8. What __ use of being so lasy?

III. Further controlled practice.
Translate into English.
ВнашемселеестьмузыкальнаяшколаимениТолебаева. Наши дети с удовольствием занимаются музыкой. Камиллаиграетнапианино. AРамильлюбитигратьнадомбре. Онлюбитзаниматьсяспортом. Ониграетбаскетболиволейбол. Какая же польза? – вы спросите. Если вы занимаетесь спортом и музыкой вы будите здоровы.

IV. Production.
Make up a story.
Useful words and phases:
What’s the use, to play the piano, to go to school, sometimes, to play chess, everyday, to go in for sport.

V. Wrap up:
“In the concert hall”.

Theme: Collocation: “What…!” sentences (Приложение 9)
Countable in the singular and in the plural.

I. Practice. Controlled practice.
Make the sentences complete a/an or zero.
1. It is __ pool answer
2. It is __ easy job.
3. It is such __ lovely flower.
4. They are such __ funny boys.
5. What __ clever animals!
6. It is such __ nice girl!
7. What __ dangerous road!
8. These are __ attractive ideas.
9. What __ interesting trip.
10. What __ clever parrot.

II. Freer practice.
Complete the sentences using words: A hunter, a close friend, rubber, an old town, a good answer, a bus, funny guys.
1) Pete is __ of mine.
2) __ is a person.
3) People cover the wheels of cars with __.
4) __ often served as a fortress.
5) We usually use __ to get village.
6) After the workshop, the teacher said that it was __.
7) Walking in park we realize such __ they are!

III. Further controlled practice.
Use the articles where necessary.
In __ small town in __ west there was __ man who had __ parrot. __ parrot was taught to say __ words. “There is no doubt about it”. One day __ man decided to sell __ bird; so he put __ parrot into __ cage. “Twenty dollars for __ every clever parrot”. __ woman asked “Are you worth twenty dollars?” “There is no doubt about it!” Answered parrot. “What __ clever parrot?” – said __ women and bought __ bird.

IV. Production.
Make up sentences and questions using articles.

V. Wrap up:
Make up a dialogue.

Theme: Collocation “What __ !” sentences.(Приложение 9,10)
Uncountable in the plurals.
I. Practice. Controlled practice.
Complete the sentences using articles.
1. It is useful __ (информация)for your report.
2. Yesterday we went to the forest what __(частыйвоздух).
3. It is such necessary __ (новости)I get from the letter.
4. After her putting of her Kerchief we see what long __ (волосы)she has.
5. What wonderful __ (совет).
6. It was raining! What terrible __ (погода).
7. __ (информация) was every useful to our students.
8. It is important __ (знания) we get at school.

II. Freer practice.
Match a line A with a line B.
1. What useful work
2. It is deep weather
3. What good money
4. It is necessary progress
5. It is such hair
6. What long advice
7. What big information
8. What fine knowledge

III. Further controlled practice.
Use articles where necessary.
Tom came to his mother one day and said to her “No one at my school likes me mother. The teacher don’t, and the children don’t: “ well Tom.” It is such __ sad news. Perhaps you aren’t every nice to them. If __ few __ people don’t like__ person it may not be his fault; but if __ lot of __ people don’t, there is usually something wrong with such__ person and he really needs to change.” “ that’s __ good advice, Mother” Tom said. “ But I’m too old to change”. “ I don’t want to go to school.” “ Don’t be so silly Tom” his mother said. “ You have to go because you’re the headmaster of the school”.

IV. Production.
Express the same in English.
1. Какаясмешнаяновость.
2. Это очень интересные сведения.
3. Какогоцветаволосы твоей мамы?
4. Какого цвета глаза твоей сестры?
5. Этооченьинтереснаясказка.
6. Какиепечальныеновости!
7. Какаяужаснаяпогода.
8. Какиебольшиеденьги!
9. Какаяинтереснаяработа!
10. Это свежее молоко.

V. Wrapup.
Make up a story using uncountable in the plurals.

Theme: Articles with the nouns school, church, work, bed….
I. Practice. Controlled practice.
Complete the sentences.
My son is __ pupil. He goes to __ school in __ morning. He has five or six ___ lesson every day. In __afternoon he goes __ home. At __ home he does his __ homework. Three days a week he goes to __ hospital, to Visit his granny. In __ evening he reads __ books. He usually goes to __ bed at10 o’clock.

II. Freer practice.
Open the brackets and complete the sentences.
1. What’s on ( __/ the ) television tonight?
2. Would you like to go to (__/the) university?
3. The king’s orders were to take the young man to (__/the) prison.
4. I think it will be nice to take our guest to (__/the) new church.
5. My friend wants to go to (__/the) college.
6. If Nelly doesn’t get better, she will have to go to (__/the) hospital.
7. What (__/a) big college!
8. (__/the) college that my friend goes trains managers.

III. Further controlled practice.
The/a/an. Here these words means buildings, specific objects or places.
1. We planted some trees in the space between the houses.
2. Yesterday my mother went to the school to talk to my teacher.
3. Mary works in a hospital.
4. Thank you for the work you have done.
5. Tourist often come to look at the church.
6. There are a lot of police at the prison.
7. There is going to be a big party in the university.
8. Lie down on the bed, let the doctor examine you.

IV. Production.
Answer the questions.
1. Where do people go when they are ill? Why?
2. Where do pupils usually go to study?
3. Where do people go to pray?
4. Where do people go to have further education?
5. Where do people usually go when they want to sleep?

V. Wrap up:
Make up a story.

Theme: Articles before school subjects and languages.(Приложение 13)

I. Practice. Controlled practice.
a) Finish the sentences: Brazil, China, Holland, Kazakhstan, Russia.
Cheese comes from ___________
Silk comes from ______________
Coffee comes from _____________
Samovar comes from ___________
Kumis comes from ______________
b) 1) I know different __ languages.
2) My friends know __ Kazakh and Russian languages.
3) My favorite subjects are __ Math and Geography.
4) ___ English is __ main language of business and science.
5) __ English language surrounds us like __ sea.
6) Yesterday at __ lesson of biology teacher told us __ Every interesting things.

II. Freer practice.
Make list of words about the topic.
A …….R……..
H …….. G……..
M ……. En …….
P ……... F………
K …….. I……….
En…….. J………..

III. Further controlled practice.
Put the articles where necessary.
1) They laughed a lot in their____ Music lesson last ___Thursday.
2) We have __ Maths five times __ week.
3) On __ Friday we haven’t__ Computer study.
4) How many times __ week have we got __ History/
5) … Japanese is more difficult than __ English.
6) We had __ lesson of Chemistry yesterday. We wrote __ teacher said:. I shall correct __ test-papers in __ evening. Tomorrow you will know __ results.
7) I study __ Maths. I attend __ Maths classes in __ evening.

IV. Production.
Imagine that your friend comes from foreign country ask your friend questions. What is your name? Where are you from? Which class are you in? What languages do you know? What subjects have you got at school!

V. Wrap up:
“My school life” – topic.

Lesson plans language based
№ Theme Hours Date
1. Article. 2
2. Indefinite articlea/an. 2
3. Definite article the. 2
4. Articles with the name of meals. 2
5. Articles with countable and uncountable nouns. 2
6. Articles with the names of seasons. 2
7. Collocations: There is a…? Where is the…? 2
8. Articles before the names of the months and days of the week. 2
9. Articles with the word combinations. 2
10. Articles and the geographical names. 2
11. Articles and the geographical names and parts of the world. 2
12. Article and the name of the University. Ordinal adjectives and superlatives degree of adjectives. 2
13. Collocations: “What is the use?” “to play chess” “to play the piano”. 2
14. Collocation: “What…!” sentences. Countable in the singular and in the plural. 2
15. Collocation: “What…!” sentences. Uncountable in the plurals. 2
16. Articles with the nouns: school, church, work, bed… 2
17. Articles before school subjects and languages. 2
Total 34 hours

1. IMPACT Teacher Training Pгogrammbу Heather J. Lewis.
2. English Grammar bу Raymond Muгphy.
3. English for 10thfoгm bуТ. Ауароуа.
4. Headway bу Liz and John Soars.
5. Speed up bу Marilynn Quigley.
6. English in two years bуТ. Rogova.
7. Дайте как можно больше ученику, М.ПЕРЕС.
8. Дружите с английским языком, Тургеман Ш.,
9. Snowball English bу Denisov00a L. G.
10. English bу I.N. Vereshchagina, Т. Pritykina.
11. English bуА.Р. Starkov.
12. English bуО. Afanasyeva, Mikheeva.
13. The Intermediate Modeгn English Couгse bуShevtsova S. V.
14. Get Оn In English bуZarubina Z. V.
15. Английский язык в таблицах Минаев Ю. В.
16. Иностранные языки в школе 1985,1991,2000, 2001, 2003.
17. EnglishbуЕ. I. Neglevtskaya.
18. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Harmer,Jeremy 2001.
19. Аcouгse in Language Teaching. Ur.Penny Cambridge University
20. English Teaching FORUM. 1993, 1997, 2003.

21. EnglishGrammarbуBonk.


22.Грамматика английского языка.Голицинский Ю.

Гродековская средняя школа

Государственное учреждение
«Отдела образование физической культуры и спорта
акиматаЖамбылского района »

Авторская программа

Английский язык
в 10-11 классах.
(Разработки уроков)

Автор: учитель английского языка Абдузова Р.Б.

селоГродеково 2011 год

When you look at language under a microscope, you can see it changing almost as you watch it: words and phrases, pronunciations and rhythms change at astonishing speed.
“The story of English”

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